Message from President
Since first established in 1990, Hong Kong Public Administration Association (HKPAA) is committed to promote and enhance the quality of research and practice of public sector management in Hong Kong and the region. It provides a forum for the identification and discussion of important issues in public policies and management. We have collaborated with local universities as well as overseas counterpart organizations to arouse keen interest in the pursuit of best practices in public services through regular dinner talks, seminars and conferences by renowned leaders in both public and private organizations.
A new website for the Association has been launched in 2020 to mark the 30th Anniversary of HKPAA. It features new icons on speeches of top leaders given at our luncheons, dinners and conferences; full PDF versions of all issues of the PAP journal as well as photo albums of our activities.

To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of HKPAA and the 20th Anniversary of the School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, we will organize an International Conference on Developments and Trends on Public Administration into the Third Decade of the 21st Century in 2020 at the HK PolyU. Papers presented at the conference will be considered for a special issue for the PAP Journal in 2021.
Public Administration and Policy – An Asia-Pacific Journal (PAP) was first launched in 1992 and jointly published by HKPAA and City University of Hong Kong. It was suspended in 2005 due to the departure of the Editor-in-Chief. In spring 2012, it was re-launched with the support of the new co-publisher, the SPEED, HK PolyU and a new Editor-in-Chief. The PAP Journal has progressed smoothly from print version to e-version and now online, in the past nine years. We have published general issues on various aspects of public administration and special issues on “Health Policies” and “Tertiary Education”. In 2020, we are delighted to have a world-renowned expert in anti-corruption, Professor Jon S.T. Quah from Singapore as the guest editor for a special issue on “Corruption Scandals in Six Asian Countries”.
Since 2018, we have a successful collaboration partnership with Emerald Publishing in the United Kingdom to publish the PAP journal in open access on Emerald Insight Platform. In order to have the journal indexed in ESCI and SCOPUS as soon as possible, PAP will publish three issues with one special issue per year starting from 2020. With the global open access, we hope the Journal will provide a forum for intellectual exchange on impactful and critical analysis of regional and global issues.
Professor Peter K. W. Fong
President, HKPAA
Editor-in-Chief, Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal by Emerald